
Bray Marine Sales
Bray Marine Sales
Bray Marina, Bray, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2EB, UK
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Operating from Bray Marina with it's full on-site facilities and tranquil surroundings, Bray Marine Sales was founded in 1992 and has grown to one of the most successful boat sales operations in the South East selling in excess of 120 new and used craft a year from a £15k starter boat to £500k coastal cruisers

We will consider a part exchange or outright purchase against any boat on brokerage, allowing for a clean transaction without the inconvenience of having to own two boats at once.

We specialize in cruisers from 18ft to 40ft; we UK Agents for: Balt Yachts who produce river and coastal cruisers from 27ft to 37ft. They focus on usability, whilst delivering good value and quality. GS Cruisers & Tenders, classically Dutch-styled dayboats, overnighters, and weekenders. iSloep, a modern twist on the Dutch sloep with higher performance available. Alonsea dayboats for family-friendly boating. Yamaha Thames Valley - sales, service and spares. All our new boats are available with fully electric propulsion options.

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Balt Yachts
Balt Yachts
Isloep Boats
Isloep Boats
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1991 Passenger Boat 115
RARE PASSENGER BOAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY  Secure yourself the opportunity of a lifetime to purchase part of Henley's heritage, 'The New Orleans' passenger vessel sits at the Centre of peoples minds when it comes to Thames passenger boats. She is the flagship among her fleet and and is available to the open market.  Styled after the classic Mississippi paddle-steamer, The New Orleans is the largest and most luxurious passenger boat on the upper Thames. It’s the perfect vessel both for a glamorous evening cruise and for a scenic daytime river trip. The New Orleans is an ideal... read more

Length: 34.96m
Location:Berkshire UK
Price: £500,000 Tax Not Paid
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ID: 780278  (Trade)
Posted: 8 days ago

1 Pages: 1 

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